The moderator Tweek recently banned me for saying something sexual (not dirty).
No warning, I'd said nothing else, other people had but not me.
He called me a fag before banning me, which obviously shows he prejudiced and unfit to be mod.
No kick, just a 1 hour ban
Then, I was repeatedly kicked by MVL.
I ask that:
- I be unbanned
- Tweek demodded
- Additional disciplinary action be taken against Tweek and MVL
I'm considering just leaving this place altogether, if something isn't done. Tweek shouldn't have been made mod in the first place. >.>
Also, just to further prove he shouldn't be mod, he didn't kick, warn, or ban MVL for flooding the chat with tghrgrgjirgrgorig for like 8 minutes straight. He WAS looking at the chat because he was talking.